May I reintroduce myself?

Hey there,

Surprise—it’s me! It’s been a while, and I’ve got some exciting updates to share. How’ve you been??

If you haven’t seen my updates on Social Media, there’s a lot to update you on. I’m not even sure where to start! I will start here with the biggest updates and surprises – last year I became a whole Mama, said “I do” and dived into the world of yoga teaching. So many beautiful updates and I’ve been LIVING to get this email out. It’s been quite a journey, and I can’t wait to fill you in.

Here’s a picture of my little family of three. He has brought us so much joy and love.

Okay, so I got that out. NOW, let me go back to the reason I started this platform… in case you forgot. With many failed attempts at dating and losing myself in relationships, I was commited to moving differently in my dating life. I started operating my life and dating journey as the CEO of my life. This meant that I was not just looking to date, I was looking for a partner. BUT this meant I needed to do the WORK on me.

The WORK is therapy, prayer and really peeling the layers of what I wanted, who I am and ultimately who I desired to align with. I learned A LOT about me and others. And decided to finally share my method to the dating mindfully.

I am abbreviating this story but I will certainly go into detail in future post but basically I shifted everything in my life. I went back to school, learned how to invest, travelled, went on a hiring freeze, let go of my “guy friends” and focused on me.

AND then I met the most amazing man, put each other through a series of interviews and later said the big and beautiful – “I do”.

I want you to know that while life has taken me on an exciting adventure, my mission remains the same—empowering women to also step into the CEO role of their own their lives with confidence and own every department. Partnership just happens to be the bulk of my passion work but helping women heal, grow and getting aligned is the foundation of that journey.

In the emails ahead, I’ll be sharing tips on managing the juggle of being a new mom, a partner, and a career-driven woman. Plus, I’m introducing some fantastic new offerings, like a dating course and virtual yoga classes, tailored to our journey.

I’m thrilled to reconnect and continue this adventure with you. Your support has always meant the world to me, and I can’t wait to catch up and inspire each other.

So, how about you? I’d love to hear what’s new in your life. Feel free to email me or just say hey.

If you haven’t already, be sure to connect with me on social and subscribe to my newsletter.

Sending lots of love and light,

Jennifer (Jreneespeaks)

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J. Renee' Speaks LLC